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Roles Management

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Roles management is about adding a new user to your company. Invited users will display on the invitations section. Company admin/managers have the ability to activate or deactivate the users from the company.

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Invite a user

To invite the user, choose the user type, either a manager or a user. Then enter the email address of the user. The new user is added. This can be done by company owners and managers. Added user will be displayed on the Invitations tab.

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Active & Inactive users

Active users are users who are currently working under your company. You can deactivate a user if you want to remove a user from the company. Note that the user will be removed from your company but their data, for e.g., their time spent on a task and other related information will not be removed from the company. This history gives the manager or admins to easily track any necessary past information

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FeaturesCompany adminCompany managerCompany userWorkspace managerWorkspace userProject managerProject user
Create and Delete workspace
Add and delete user in workspace
Edit workspace name
Promote workspace user to manager
Add, edit and delete template
Create and delete project
Edit project details
Project files page
Add and delete user in project user page
Promote project user to manager
Add, edit and delete project settings
Add project value to the project
Update time in project timer
Create task
Delete task
Edit task title, description, create to-do list, delete to-do list, change priority, status, task type, update date, action required, time estimate, assigned user, complete task, labels, custom fields, edit comments, pinned the task, drag and drop the task
Start/end timer, update timer and edit/delete timer
Create subtask and convert to normal task
Shift task to other project
Invite user or manager
Deactivate company user from the company
Deactivate company manager from the company
Activate user or manager from the company
Change shift time for company user
Change shift time for other manager in a company
Promote company user to manager
Update and delete time in the my time for same user or manager
Update and delete time in the my time for other user or manager
Create and delete group chat and add user to group
Apply leave request
Approve/Disapprove and delete leave request
Apply leave for other user or manager in a company
Feature modules